Laugh Everyday~ Live Every Moment~ Love Beyond Words~
Jer 29:11 "For I know the plans I have for you declares the Lord, plans to prosper you and not harm you, plans to give you hope and a future."

Saturday, July 12, 2008

Memories.... and Wishes!

(click on image to inlarge)

One of the reason's I am adding this is because just today Elijah was out with Chris doing yard work and he came in and looked at me and in Elijah fashion, swiped his forehead with the back of his hand and said "Mom, we need to move back to Alaska, its to hot out there!" It made me stop and think, oh my gosh its been exactly a year that we started getting ready to leave Alaska and our friend Shiela took these shots for us to have as memories of our last summer in Alaska. WE sooooo miss Alaska. We didn't think we would, but we do. You always think the grass is greener on the other side and or block out anything anyone wants to tell you about what you might be walking into because you don't think it will happen to you! Hence, my dad's favorite saying to me, " two ear's, one mouth means listen twice as hard as you talk!"
I also look at these and I am in complete disgust with myself and my weight. I have gained much weight since moving here. Depression first off is not fun, but with my RA, and Fibro and blood disorder I was put on so many med's and I ballooned up. Not that I feel that is a excuse because even thou you can gain much weight I feel like it shouldn't apply to me I guess. I have NEVER weighed this much even after the birth of all my children! I remember that Elijah was a year old and I was in my size 8's weighing in at 142 then I gained to like 150 and went into 10's. I was happy there, perfect for a person of my height. Yeah, not so much anymore. I won't disclose my size now but again I was in smaller sizes after giving birth ok??!! So I have decided to print pictures and put them up in my room and bathroom and the pantry door! I can't do this anymore, I need to get this off of me. Chris feels the same way however, he PT's everyday and really doesn't eat much like me. We are both down to once a day and a snack. I started back up on my treadmill this past week and my legs are killing me. Oh well, My friend Evy keeps trying to get me in the water at the pool to walk the length of it and back like 20 times. I need to do this swimming is a great way to lose weight and with RA it can be much easier on the joints. So wish me luck, I am going to get this weight off and get back into my jeans.
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