As promised last week, we would post pictures of tonights banquet which was Sami's Althletic Banquet. WOW!!! What a wonderful LONG evening. The top pictures obviously are of all of us out back taking some family shots before heading off. Again, bias and I am not ashamed to admit it, but The Final Four the most beautiful children in the World!!!! Yes, even when on my last nerve! I just love some of these fun and candid shots. Memories folks that is what its all about! Well we get to Sami's banquet and there are tons more pictures but I just put in the best ones...... however it was set up with basketball's and volleyballs and tennis balls and stuff for track and cross country etc.... on the tables with pictures of each kid who played high school sports. We went around and found all our tables photos of the girls!!!! We were served Bill's BBQ (not the best by far) but ate and took lots of pictures. Many kids parents were not there so I don't mind it I just get out the camera and have Chris take pictures or I do of Sami's friends on our mobile phone that I upload to facebook and or on our camera that I am able to upload to our family blog. Soon after so much socializing we moved into another part of the school again were the award ceremony began. Compared to last weeks Academic Awards, this was double the kids! So it took longer. We had a amazing young Basketball/Coach/New Business Owner speak to the kids who went to UTSA. She was amazing and she keyed in on how important sports was and she went to college thinking she was there to play hoops and just that. By her sophomore year when she was going to lose her scholarship and get suspended from the team even thou she was the leading scorer and MVP etc... her grades were not important to her. She was laid back and easy going and spoke to the kids on their level about the importance of listening to parents, teachers, doing the homework and working hard not only in sports but as being a leader. She is now 23, traveled the world playing when she pulled her head out of "her words" butt and realized she needed to change her attitude. You don't earn things in this world, you WORK for them and then you PROVE yourself and then GET RESPECT! All of us parents were just so impressed with her and looking at our kids. Sami even said "Mom you were right, you said most of everything she said!" One of those Lightbulb moments and I loved it!
Soon after the guest speaker was done, the awards started. Sami who stayed on A/B Honor Roll and still played JV Volleyball and Basketball this year and was active in Spirit Squad took home 3 awards tonight along with all her girlfriends and close friends from the school. As you can see, there were many of kids. For such a small school over 250 kids were reconized! How impressive is that!
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