Laugh Everyday~ Live Every Moment~ Love Beyond Words~
Jer 29:11 "For I know the plans I have for you declares the Lord, plans to prosper you and not harm you, plans to give you hope and a future."

Thursday, July 31, 2008

Sami, Ethan, Hannah's, and Elijah's New School's!

This is Ethan, Hannah's and Elijah's New School Ott Elmentary. Its just up the road from our house which is a huge plus. We already know the school because our church rents out the cafetria for service while we build a building and we have been around a lot of the children that go there. I think Ethan and Hannah's nerves about changing schools again and making new friends will settle down once they see they know more of the kids there than they thought, hopefully!
Elijah was the most excited. We pulled in and Elijah wanted to go home and said "why are we going to church today?" as I replied "Were not Elijah, we are going to sign you up for Kindergarten." Oh my gosh!!!!!!! You would have thought the best thing in his life happened. He ran to the front door opened it and told the lady "I here because I am 5 years old now and a big boy and I get to start kindergarten" The lady laughed and said well you won't have any problems pealing him off your leg the first day of school. I said "No, he won't but I will. He is my baby and my last one is going to school". I even started to tear up. Poor Lady was like its ok! I said I know it is. Its just part of life and it all must move forward. I just wish I could go back in time. Oh well, Life goes on and Ethan will be in 5th grade, Hannah in 1st and Elijah in Kindergarten.

This is Sami's New Middle School which happens to be right next door to Ott. Thank goodness. Its a very big school and Sami is nearvous about going there and meeting new friends. Last year by the second semister she had tons of friends at Lackland. She will be able to stay at this school for 2 years. She is starting 7th grade and has to start school earlier and get out later than the other 3 do. The one good thing about were we live also is that our housing area is so new that they put the bus stop right in front of our house! So that is a huge plus for me but also a scarry one. I have never had to let or make my kids ride a bus. To be honest I see all these horrible things that go on, on bus's these days and don't want my children involved or hurt while riding the bus, but Sami wants too. So I might give in and let her but I am still taking the other 3. If I have no choice the option for all of them riding the bus is always open for me to use. Sami doesn't enroll till Aug 11th and school starts August 25th here. Sami is excited about getting her own locker thou. I think she will do great, as she always does.

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