Laugh Everyday~ Live Every Moment~ Love Beyond Words~
Jer 29:11 "For I know the plans I have for you declares the Lord, plans to prosper you and not harm you, plans to give you hope and a future."

Tuesday, September 18, 2007

A Look at "Elijah Edward Pearson

Elijah is the charcter of our family! He is 4 and half years old. He too started a PreK class for 4 year olds and is not to crazy about it. He always by the end of the day when we pick him up says that he has fun at school its just getting in the class without him crying. It kills me to do that to him. The good thing thou is he won't stay to long there. Once we move off of Lackland AFB he can no longer go there so I am going to keep him home and have some Mommy and Elijah time while I put the house together. Then when I go back to work I will find him a preschool class to go to then.
Elijah LOVES and I mean LOVES to dance and sing and put on shows for anyone who will watch him. He is picky thou. No one else can sing unless he wants you too and he sets up his stage in front of us and counts himself down. 5,6,7,8 and goes into song and dance. On our trip from Alaska to Texas he loved it because he had a full audience wherever he went. Everybody just loved him and couldn't get enough of him. He is so loveable and chubby and cute. He is also quite the charmer. He will have no problems with the lady's let me tell you. He will come to me even when I am looking rough and say "mommy your so beatiuful" and gives me a hug and a kiss. He bats those baby blues and he has us wrapped. How can you not love that face:)

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